Here is where the third person's view is expressed. The view or opinion that is unbiased (at times) and is usually avoided by those who choose to stick with their point. In other words, I say what most people feel or think to say, but often choose not to...

Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
This had to be said because I was beginning to become very irritated by the amount of misrepresentation and ill-claiming being done…
Ladies, a REAL independent woman lives her independent lifestyle MODESTLY. Claiming to be an independent woman, talking about how independent you are, and how you “buy your own things”, and “make your own money”, and “got your own house”, and then expecting the man to spend on you, kinda defeats the purpose and your self-image of independence. You cannot claim independence and then go off the mentality that “a Man is SUPPOSED to pay for this and that.” Now, I’m not saying that women should spend on Men if they claim the title of independence. Not the case at all. What I am saying is if you claim it, live it. Do Not spend with the intention on seeing if he will stop you and pay. That is not being independent. That is called testing. Do Not bring up, especially during an argument, the fact that he is suppose to be the man yet you paid for this or you paid for that. That is not claiming independent activities you may have taken. That is you trying to put him down. Your independence then becomes less of him acknowledging it and more of you “rubbing it in his face.” Being modestly independent allows him to be more willing to spend on you, because then it doesn’t become a matter of necessity, but more of a matter of support. He will be more willing to spend on you cause he wants to, and not cause you make him feel like he has to. I know for a fact that someone/people are going to disagree with me, but I feel that there are a number of ladies running around claiming the title of “Miss Independent” just because they heard it in a song and the description of the woman might be similar to them or the life they may live, but being independent is not an Image. It is a LifeStyle. You don’t wear it. You LIVE it…
Sunday, August 22, 2010
SUBMISSION BY: Rodney Kyles Jr
Vagabond Matinee
This is the first video webisode in a series entitled Vagabond Matinee for the up and coming brand Vagabond Tales, out of Chicago. Chronicling the life of Rodney Kyles Jr. AKA The Vagabond, he and his friends take you through a day in his life. You can also view this video on the brands site
Rodney Kyles Jr.773.531.5387Vagabond Tales Clothing
Friday, August 20, 2010

i follow my heart but take the lead.
improving my strength, and subtracting the weak.
with every great gain,its a loss i sacrifice.
my ambitions drive me all through the brightest days and the darkest nights,
whats the point of stepping into the ring if your not willing to continuously fight ?
sometimes you have to take risks, right ?
sometimes im wrong,but those are called mistakes,
ima lover not a fighter,but i give and dont take.
i fight for the things i love,but i always keep safe;
im dangerous and a problem to success.
i eat it alive but not everyone sees this beautiful heart on my chest.
never said im perfect,but im one of the best.
as i sleep my head shall rest,to destroy my passions until its none left.
then i will inhale the glory of triumph, and have empowered theft.
but such a beautiful sin that rises from the ashes of failure within,
such a gorgeous smile but yet a evil grin, in this devils game its you give yoru all or you give nothing.
at least i can say it all started with something.
no need on fronting,my work speaks for itself...
hating is a non profit organization so haters dont catch the sickness and watch ya health.
i dont wanna be rich i js wanna posses wealth.
i move careful yet so blind to the naked eye, my stealth is bonded within my shadow that hides.
if it wasnt for this new life of mine,i wouldve been a suicide bomb in time.
ticking slowly away till the day i see no more light....
i was willing to step in the ring,and till this day continue to fight <3>
"Age has *NO* limit to success"
Model - Host - Actress
& more!
-DTLR Promotional Model
Friday, August 6, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010
FEATURED POET: Sha'neka Morris

"I wrote this June 24,2010, my way of expressing my feelings about a relationship on what should've been our anniversary.."
Today was a very sentimental day for me
Decided to take a walk on the beach
Though my friends wanted to come to comfort me
Alone is what I needed to be
Sitting bare foot in the sand with
Two champagne glasses and a bottle of wine
thought it would be appropriate for this one occasion
made a toast to what I thought would have been forever
But how selfish of me to feel so dreary
When this beautiful sunset lies right in front of me
Shades of yellow and red reflecting from the sun
Touches the water as the waves become peace
If only love were that simple for me
If only the warmth of the sun's touch could heal the cuts & bruise of this broken heart
So that finally i could be at ease
I just wish that I could be in between the space where the sky & ocean kiss
Know what it feels like to be in that never ending embrace
I am constantly movin towards that on going line
In what feels like a slow motion pace
Never been able to get close enough in arms length
I wana pull that space apart look behind it just to see if
there is something deeper more profound beyond the horizon
My curiousity wont let me rest until I know if its real or not
Searching for that one thing that would make it all better
So I drink until I can block out all the images of us together
So that your face becomes a blurr
So that I dont feel the need to wana replace
That space where you once were
And I have worn myself out..
Reflecting on the mistakes I've made
Retracing the tracks trying to find that loop hole of where it all went wrong
Tormenting myself with the notion that I
was just your way of getting over her..
And although that maybe false.. I am certain it holds some truth
For you to easily turn and walk away without the slightest glance back
to see if there is something worth holding on to
Your words...Your actions.. cut me too deep
And the only conclusion anyone can come up with.. "It wasn't meant to be"
But in the back of my mind all I can phantom is "How much I guna miss him"
Even buried my past in hopes that I started something special
Planted a seed to watch it grow into something I know has potential
Surrounded with a garden full of beauty
But one seed.. doesn't want to grow into anything more
It shocks me ... I never seen a flower afraid to blossom in the sunlight
Feelings drifted away like the changing of the seasons, a love so hot just ended so cold
The line where land & sky meet be come more out of reach
I use the horizon as a metaphor for LOVE because..
The Closer I seem to go towards it..The further it drifts away from me...
Monday, July 12, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lebron James, over his years in the NBA, has easily became a beloved and very well respected player. I for one consider him to be one of my favorite basketball players. Unfortunately, As great as he is, he has not been able to obtain a Championship title with his placed team. This leaves you to question: is it the team or the player? Which I why I am happy that the free agency period resulted in the way that it did.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
FEATURED POET: Louisa Appiah

My mother used to abuse me,
Not the physical abuse to cause bruises on my skin
But the emotional abuse to bruise my heart and scar my mind.
Her words were wrapped around strong emotions
Like barbed wire on a bat
When she spat feeling out of hate and disdain
The invisible thorns tore away the flesh over my heart
Spewing out hatred as blood as the pain played games in my mind
Maybe the morning sun was different in the afternoon
Because surely my mother couldn’t love my brother any more than she loved me
And even through the physical pain he cause her, she loved every single ounce of him.
So, for many years, after that first slap of words,
The sting died away from my heart
Floated away and I in turn turned to the next bastard who smiled and gave me butterflies
But I wish you showed me affection and not affliction.
So, I found solace in IT.
That black or brown long machine with a head and a tail
And in it I found great pleasure
Residing with it, I found love
Addicted to it, I rocked with it.
Finally after that day,
I felt empty
Snapping my fingers and tapping my shoes, I resorted,
“there is no place like home, and there is not love like a mother’s.
But no one showed me the love so I gave it to them
Allowing them to add fuel to that burning fire
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
You died in my heart,
Outlined my name in your ash,
Hoping we will be close.
So I sit in my solace,
I find my addiction leading to confliction
And in my confusion, I am a motherless child.
Because she lost me at “you don’t love me”
And then she stopped paying attention.
Louisa Appiah
SUBMISSION BY: Maureen G. Parker
Sunday, June 27, 2010

"I wrote this a while back and posted it on my blog. I really really love it. When I forget or lose sight of my heart, I go back to this. I get a lot of likes on my blog for it so I thought I'd share with your blog readers!"
My Kinda Love
I woke up this morning and asked myself, “what’s my kinda love?” Sounds like a crazy question to ask but really, I had to remind myself what it is that I want. I’ve been loving someone for awhile now so when I thought about the love they give me…I saw just how non existent it really is. So I was moved to write…it’s the only thing besides music that keeps me sane.
(My kinda love first and foremost knows the LORD; because he who findeth a wife findeth a GOOD thing.)
My kinda love is the love that thinks of me as much as I think of you…the kind where my friends get tired of me mentioning you because I’m thinking of you so much that my mouth vomits your name uncontrollably.
It’s the kind that makes me want you all to myself causing me to be a little jealous. Not because I am insecure but because I want you near all the time. The kinda love that daydreams from time to time about how my name sounds with your last name…the kind that stares at my phone anticipating your next call or txt…trying so hard not to seem like a maniac.
It’s the kind of love that sits bedside to watch me sleep and then takes me in their arms to keep from the cool air that nightfall brings. The kind that smiles at the thought of what we share. My kinda love is the kind that will meet me in my dreams and slow dance with me to our heart song and whisper to me that they are indeed grateful that I was I created in God’s image. It’s the kind that is there when I wake; ready, willing, and able to make sure that I know just how much I’m loved and supported…that helps me get through the day.
My kinda love is the kind where we close our eyes and imagine the embrace of our hearts even when we aren’t near each other…the kind where if I lie on your chest, the rhythm our hearts cadence synchronize. It’s the kinda love that makes me wish I had a 1,000 tongues so that I can tell you time and time again how much I love you and 7 bodies to show just how true my love to you is. It’s the kinda love that will write you a million letters and document each day so that if your memory ever begins to fade, you’ll be reminded of how much I love and care for you.
It’s the kinda love that feels like the cool breeze of a palm trees’ sway or the cool breeze that kisses your cheek on a sticky summers’ day. The kind that feels like walking on the beach by the waters edge…feeling the sand and water between your toes. It feel like raindrops of heaven or the pitter-patter of a feather against your stomach. The kind that will dry my tears, not trigger them. Its the kinda love that gives me an escape from a world that can eat you like its prey.
My kinda love is a love that can weather any storm, pass any test, and doctor any pain. My kinda love will hold me when I’m afraid, walk beside me in support, allow me to take the spotlight when needed… It’s the kind of love that feels like the melodic sounds of an alto sax. My kinda love won’t let anything or anyone shake our foundation. It doesn’t give up and doesn’t give in. It stands beside me and grows with me and assures me that I am not in it alone. Sure there will be days where we may need to exert a little more energy but my kinda love will be willing to do so.
I have been broken but it is ok. Everyone plays a part in your story for some reason or the other. A good friend of mine reminded me that my future is far brighter than my past and my next will be greater than my last. I haven’t found that kind of love yet but I know and believe in my heart that it is indeed in store. Until that day, I will continue to stay grounded. I will try not to let others see the pain of my heart of my face…because I never know who is falling for my smile! ;)
PS - Whoever is my kinda love, I LOVE you soooooo much already!!!!!
Trevon Dyson @noFUHreal
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
No one can put you anywhere but yourself. Choose your own roads and walk you own paths. Be Independent...Don’t wait for any man to appreciate you. Appreciate yourself for who you are and let your inner Beauty Shine...Kissing and telling only makes other females curious to what you have. Keep your business to yourself...Sometimes Its best to stop, sit down, and ask yourself: “Why Am I Really Here?”, “What am I really doing?”, and “Am I Truly Happy?”...Keeping a guy you do not like around you because he gives you attention and cares is Unfair to him, and just plain WRONG!
Sometimes, it is best to follow your intuitions. Better than neglecting them and regretting it later...Being in a hopeful relationship is like being in a doubtful friendship. It will never work...Tattoos on a Guy might be nice to look at and might be found as sexy, but they are removable. A great heart in a guy is forever Permanent...There are women all over the world, but NONE of them are like you. You are Unique in your own ways. Be yourself...Do not depend on him to always carry a Condom. Figure out his size and carry some with you too. Better safe than sorry.
"Love" is represented by the color Red, NOT BLACK AND BLUE!!...If the butterflies become endangered or extinct in your stomach, it means there is a problem...Be careful which females you call friends. Some of them are only there for their own benefit...Being Beautiful and Sexy is a good look. Being Strong and Independent is an even Better look...Sometimes I wish I could jump in your bodies and make decisions for you guys, because the decisions you make sometimes, it’s like…DAMN! (o_O)..Just because a guy is attractive and single, does not make him a "Player." Don’t be so quick to judge...Being gullible is not the Wave. I’m going to need you guys to wake up and Smell the BS. (o_O)
Sincerely yours,
Me =)PS: I normally don’t right letters I had to do this one. I wouldn’t be the person I am if it wasn't for you. Thank You. =)
Friday, June 25, 2010

A troubled soul
A troubled heart with a piercing hole.
The dagger hits me deep
My troubled soul can’t sleep.
I lost my love
No hands, no glove.
Troubled mind
A troubled mind, leave my past so far behind
The last cut, deep cut; pull the knife from my heart
How is one’s love so close but yet a million miles apart?
A troubled mind,
What else can one’s heart find?
The agony, the fear, your heart my mind cannot bare
The love we once shared no longer exists
As well as the moments we shared on the lips.
The comfort I felt with your arms around me
Your arms were not the place I was destined to be.
Troubled mind is Y-O-U
Cheers to our dismantled, shattered and dangerous love
I bid it a fair adieu.
FEATURED POET: Juanita Funtanares

Saturday, June 19, 2010
But You Say He/She's Just A Friend

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
FEATURED POET: Matthew "Preach" McDowell

Love Nightly Thoughts
Is There A Fight For My Soul?
Probably So
So I Proudly Go
Harder And Harder
To Better My Situations
With Many Stipulations
But I'm Bout To Fuckin Loose It
Send Me On A Vacation
Cause I Can't Take The Lies
Can't Take The Hate
When You Look Into My Eyes
Love Is Alive
So Don't Be Surprised
Cause Love Can Survive
In A World That Has Died