"I wrote this a while back and posted it on my blog. I really really love it. When I forget or lose sight of my heart, I go back to this. I get a lot of likes on my blog for it so I thought I'd share with your blog readers!"
My Kinda Love
I woke up this morning and asked myself, “what’s my kinda love?” Sounds like a crazy question to ask but really, I had to remind myself what it is that I want. I’ve been loving someone for awhile now so when I thought about the love they give me…I saw just how non existent it really is. So I was moved to write…it’s the only thing besides music that keeps me sane.
(My kinda love first and foremost knows the LORD; because he who findeth a wife findeth a GOOD thing.)
My kinda love is the love that thinks of me as much as I think of you…the kind where my friends get tired of me mentioning you because I’m thinking of you so much that my mouth vomits your name uncontrollably.
It’s the kind that makes me want you all to myself causing me to be a little jealous. Not because I am insecure but because I want you near all the time. The kinda love that daydreams from time to time about how my name sounds with your last name…the kind that stares at my phone anticipating your next call or txt…trying so hard not to seem like a maniac.
It’s the kind of love that sits bedside to watch me sleep and then takes me in their arms to keep from the cool air that nightfall brings. The kind that smiles at the thought of what we share. My kinda love is the kind that will meet me in my dreams and slow dance with me to our heart song and whisper to me that they are indeed grateful that I was I created in God’s image. It’s the kind that is there when I wake; ready, willing, and able to make sure that I know just how much I’m loved and supported…that helps me get through the day.
My kinda love is the kind where we close our eyes and imagine the embrace of our hearts even when we aren’t near each other…the kind where if I lie on your chest, the rhythm our hearts cadence synchronize. It’s the kinda love that makes me wish I had a 1,000 tongues so that I can tell you time and time again how much I love you and 7 bodies to show just how true my love to you is. It’s the kinda love that will write you a million letters and document each day so that if your memory ever begins to fade, you’ll be reminded of how much I love and care for you.
It’s the kinda love that feels like the cool breeze of a palm trees’ sway or the cool breeze that kisses your cheek on a sticky summers’ day. The kind that feels like walking on the beach by the waters edge…feeling the sand and water between your toes. It feel like raindrops of heaven or the pitter-patter of a feather against your stomach. The kind that will dry my tears, not trigger them. Its the kinda love that gives me an escape from a world that can eat you like its prey.
My kinda love is a love that can weather any storm, pass any test, and doctor any pain. My kinda love will hold me when I’m afraid, walk beside me in support, allow me to take the spotlight when needed… It’s the kind of love that feels like the melodic sounds of an alto sax. My kinda love won’t let anything or anyone shake our foundation. It doesn’t give up and doesn’t give in. It stands beside me and grows with me and assures me that I am not in it alone. Sure there will be days where we may need to exert a little more energy but my kinda love will be willing to do so.
I have been broken but it is ok. Everyone plays a part in your story for some reason or the other. A good friend of mine reminded me that my future is far brighter than my past and my next will be greater than my last. I haven’t found that kind of love yet but I know and believe in my heart that it is indeed in store. Until that day, I will continue to stay grounded. I will try not to let others see the pain of my heart of my face…because I never know who is falling for my smile! ;)
PS - Whoever is my kinda love, I LOVE you soooooo much already!!!!!
Trevon Dyson @noFUHreal
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
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