Chappelle Show- Kneehigh Park - watch more funny videos
Here is where the third person's view is expressed. The view or opinion that is unbiased (at times) and is usually avoided by those who choose to stick with their point. In other words, I say what most people feel or think to say, but often choose not to...

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Be on the lookout for the Varsity BoyZ! What the music industry is now lacking is what they have embraced and exacting! Keep your ears peeled and your eyes opened!
VarsityBoyz @ Red Betty with Interview from Preach Gold on Vimeo.
The World I Live In Pt. 1
I woke up this morning and signed on Twitter just to see a girl...wait scratch that...a Woman tweeting about a gentleman she's involved with. Apparently she was in the hospital, because of this gentleman, and instead of calling her, he chooses to go out to play basketball and go out clubbing. I say Woman instead of girl because of a comment she made which shows maturity and acknowledgment of the situation, something a Girl lacks: "...I thought I was gonna be broken up..NOPE just mad..." Hearing about things like this makes me sick. It is because of guys like these that dedicated Women like her become less dedicated in their relationships, especially when they finally meet a Man who is very dedicated to them...SMH...Its so sad how these BASIC N@#&S seem to be the ones who get these Women. SMH @ you these fellas for doing the WRONG things to the RIGHT Women...
Friday, May 21, 2010
I'll Tell You Who's Crazy!
I like "crazy" people. Not to get them mixed up with psychotic people, "crazy" people are very intellectual and are nonconformists. IN MY OPINION, "Crazy" people are sane. They actually see the world for what it is, its corruption and hypocrisy. Because they choose to go against society, they are outcasted and mocked for their remarks and outbursts. Its the "SANE" people that are crazy. Living life according to society? Behaving in a manner as an attempt to be accepted by the rest in your community? Abiding by the rules and regulations your community has set for your society? For all that, why not just go to jail. You might be reading this and thinking that I'm babbling on about nonsense and that I might sound stupid...but who's saying that what I'm saying is wrong, you or the thoughts you have of what you THINK is sane from the definition of sanity SOCIETY has implanted into you head?...Think about it...
Pretty Ugly
I find it crazy how the pettiest people, the majority of the time, seem to have the UGLIEST attitudes. They are so quick to put down those they feel they are more attractive than, and use their appearance to achieve most of their goals and positions in life. Well although "pretty people" seem to get the most attention and more options in relationships, it has be proven statistically that "pretty relationships" have the lowest lasting rate and highest separation or divorce rates. "Pretty people" have also been shown to have the highest expectations when it comes to finding mates, yet have low standards. What an oxymoron. You were blessed with an appearance others wish they had. Don't get caught up in your own beauty. Being humble can get a person so far in life. Being attractive and humble can take a person to a whole different level, with much more opportunities and much better standards. You will be surprised how happier you are about yourself just by being humble. It allows you to see you skin, but KNOW yourself...
My First Blog
I've finally created a blog. I have been thinking about creating one for some time now, and given that I now have some time on my hands, and some views and opinions to express, why not? Hopefully I don't bore anyone, which I doubt I will because the majority of my posts, if not all, will lead you, the reader, to think, agree, or disagree. Stimulation is my key. Comments are the result. Feel free to give me some feedback...And on that note...=)
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