Friday, May 21, 2010

I'll Tell You Who's Crazy!

I like "crazy" people. Not to get them mixed up with psychotic people, "crazy" people are very intellectual and are nonconformists. IN MY OPINION, "Crazy" people are sane. They actually see the world for what it is, its corruption and hypocrisy. Because they choose to go against society, they are outcasted and mocked for their remarks and outbursts. Its the "SANE" people that are crazy. Living life according to society? Behaving in a manner as an attempt to be accepted by the rest in your community? Abiding by the rules and regulations your community has set for your society? For all that, why not just go to jail. You might be reading this and thinking that I'm babbling on about nonsense and that I might sound stupid...but who's saying that what I'm saying is wrong, you or the thoughts you have of what you THINK is sane from the definition of sanity SOCIETY has implanted into you head?...Think about it...


  1. thanks! i've been told im crazy many times now some who agrees that im better than them! ii love being crazy im not ashamed! lml

  2. You don't sound stupid, you sound real. Alot of people have been told they were crazy because society has it that you have to be perfect.......thanks for this though, kinda diggs this.

  3. yeah this is COMPLETELY true. i feel the same exact way. i never understood & still don't understand why people are so eager to follow & fit into what others consider "whats in". i'd rather be labeled crazy or an outcast than to lose ME & my own identity to social standards. smh i dont care what people say,shoot i done heard it all & nothing phases me. at this stage im comfortable in my own skin & thats all that matters.
