A strong woman is a woman who is willing to put herself in the face of an obstacle and take a challenge that an average woman would not take. These are the women who get further in life than others will. These are the type of women who are capable of even raising an entire family on their own with no husband, so having one would only make her an extraordinary mother. The world we live in now days has slowly began to switch roles, where as those who were expected to be the strong, the Men, are now putting themselves in situations of weakness, giving the women then opportunity to excel. Regardless, this is no challenge to an Ambitious Woman.

When it comes to choosing a woman, there is nothing like an ambitious one. These are the women who strive for success. The ones who do not take the easy way up and will do whatever must be done to make it far with the intention of never losing their dignity and self-respect. These are the women who gain much more acknowledgement from those who appreciate what she has done and where she is, rather than how long it took her to get there and the image she has. This is the kind of woman every man needs by their side. Their drive for success possesses a stream of motivation. The fact that they are self accomplished makes them less needy materially, allowing buying things for them to be more rewarding than a must or a hassle. This also allows much more room for emotional satisfaction and spiritual connection. These are also the kind of women who will ride for their mates. The kind that would do what they whatever it takes to make sure that their partner life comfortably. She is the type of woman, if financially capable, that would rather her partner not work and travel around with her as she brings in the money. All she asks for in return is their support.
Unfortunately, these ambitious women are the same ones who become targeted by the non-ambitious men of the new generation, otherwise known as the "Scumbags." These are
the ones who will pretend to be there for her while she is excelling. Taking advantage of everything she has accomplished, and using her hard earned money to create their own image. That is not called support. It is called "Leeching." You are sucking whatever wealth she has obtained in an effort to create your own image. Therefore you are a "Sucker." An ambitious woman should be there as inspiration and support for whatever you have planned for your life and/or future. Now if you're telling me that you can not support someone who loves and cares for you so much that they would prefer you not working just to be around them, then an ambitious woman is not for you, and you wasted your time reading this post...Thank you.
Preach Feefe!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's was extremly inspirationl for bothe male and female youth, letting young women knoe there strengths and abilities. It also shows young men how to care respect and value a women. Great job slim.
ReplyDeletea real ambitious woman would never allow herself to be caught in that situation. A real ambitious woman wouldn't be with a leech, a sucker or a scumbag. She's have way too much self respect for that. But it's ironic why so many real women do end up here. I wouldn't blame the man, I'd blame the woman for allowing history to repeat itself and herself yet again to be walked all over by a man.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the feedback, and I completely understand where you're coming from...The definition of Ambition is "An eager or strong desire to achieve something", not to guard something. My post was about women of strive, not women of guard, which is why I avoided mentioning anything about her guard. An ambitious woman is one who is aiming for a goal and is dedicated to whatever she gets into and whoever she has in her life. Being ambitious then gets the caught up in situations such as you explained because they are so dedicated in whatever they get into. It happens. And unfortunately it is usually the ambitious ones who fall into that trap...BUT they themselves are ambitious none the less...Thank you once again
ReplyDelete"She is the type of woman, if financially capable, that would rather her partner not work and travel around with her as she brings in the money. All she asks for in return is their support."
ReplyDelete....i strongly disagree with this. while all of your other statements were very enlighting and precise, i don't believe a non-working partner would safice for a abitious woman. While he may be spiritually and emotionally accurate he is still some form of a "leech", being dependent on another person, whether it is with good intention or not you are still dependent and you stability comes from another wealthy person..
COmpletely understandable...Which is why I stated that "This is the kind of woman every man needs by their side. Their drive for success possesses a stream of motivation." And in reference to the statement mentioned, I used "would" in stead of "will" to refer it to a female I actually know, and not any female who is ambitious in general...But I understand what you mean. Thanks for the feedback
ReplyDeleteInteresting post. It is often the case, sadly so, that when a woman is ambitious like this she's got a broke dude on her couch so I'm glad you made the difference between being supportive and leeching. In the best case scenario however, both mates would be equally ambitious.