The Third View
Here is where the third person's view is expressed. The view or opinion that is unbiased (at times) and is usually avoided by those who choose to stick with their point. In other words, I say what most people feel or think to say, but often choose not to...

Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
This had to be said because I was beginning to become very irritated by the amount of misrepresentation and ill-claiming being done…
Ladies, a REAL independent woman lives her independent lifestyle MODESTLY. Claiming to be an independent woman, talking about how independent you are, and how you “buy your own things”, and “make your own money”, and “got your own house”, and then expecting the man to spend on you, kinda defeats the purpose and your self-image of independence. You cannot claim independence and then go off the mentality that “a Man is SUPPOSED to pay for this and that.” Now, I’m not saying that women should spend on Men if they claim the title of independence. Not the case at all. What I am saying is if you claim it, live it. Do Not spend with the intention on seeing if he will stop you and pay. That is not being independent. That is called testing. Do Not bring up, especially during an argument, the fact that he is suppose to be the man yet you paid for this or you paid for that. That is not claiming independent activities you may have taken. That is you trying to put him down. Your independence then becomes less of him acknowledging it and more of you “rubbing it in his face.” Being modestly independent allows him to be more willing to spend on you, because then it doesn’t become a matter of necessity, but more of a matter of support. He will be more willing to spend on you cause he wants to, and not cause you make him feel like he has to. I know for a fact that someone/people are going to disagree with me, but I feel that there are a number of ladies running around claiming the title of “Miss Independent” just because they heard it in a song and the description of the woman might be similar to them or the life they may live, but being independent is not an Image. It is a LifeStyle. You don’t wear it. You LIVE it…
Sunday, August 22, 2010
SUBMISSION BY: Rodney Kyles Jr
Vagabond Matinee
This is the first video webisode in a series entitled Vagabond Matinee for the up and coming brand Vagabond Tales, out of Chicago. Chronicling the life of Rodney Kyles Jr. AKA The Vagabond, he and his friends take you through a day in his life. You can also view this video on the brands site
Rodney Kyles Jr.773.531.5387Vagabond Tales Clothing
Friday, August 20, 2010

i follow my heart but take the lead.
improving my strength, and subtracting the weak.
with every great gain,its a loss i sacrifice.
my ambitions drive me all through the brightest days and the darkest nights,
whats the point of stepping into the ring if your not willing to continuously fight ?
sometimes you have to take risks, right ?
sometimes im wrong,but those are called mistakes,
ima lover not a fighter,but i give and dont take.
i fight for the things i love,but i always keep safe;
im dangerous and a problem to success.
i eat it alive but not everyone sees this beautiful heart on my chest.
never said im perfect,but im one of the best.
as i sleep my head shall rest,to destroy my passions until its none left.
then i will inhale the glory of triumph, and have empowered theft.
but such a beautiful sin that rises from the ashes of failure within,
such a gorgeous smile but yet a evil grin, in this devils game its you give yoru all or you give nothing.
at least i can say it all started with something.
no need on fronting,my work speaks for itself...
hating is a non profit organization so haters dont catch the sickness and watch ya health.
i dont wanna be rich i js wanna posses wealth.
i move careful yet so blind to the naked eye, my stealth is bonded within my shadow that hides.
if it wasnt for this new life of mine,i wouldve been a suicide bomb in time.
ticking slowly away till the day i see no more light....
i was willing to step in the ring,and till this day continue to fight <3>
"Age has *NO* limit to success"
Model - Host - Actress
& more!
-DTLR Promotional Model
Friday, August 6, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010
FEATURED POET: Sha'neka Morris

"I wrote this June 24,2010, my way of expressing my feelings about a relationship on what should've been our anniversary.."
Today was a very sentimental day for me
Decided to take a walk on the beach
Though my friends wanted to come to comfort me
Alone is what I needed to be
Sitting bare foot in the sand with
Two champagne glasses and a bottle of wine
thought it would be appropriate for this one occasion
made a toast to what I thought would have been forever
But how selfish of me to feel so dreary
When this beautiful sunset lies right in front of me
Shades of yellow and red reflecting from the sun
Touches the water as the waves become peace
If only love were that simple for me
If only the warmth of the sun's touch could heal the cuts & bruise of this broken heart
So that finally i could be at ease
I just wish that I could be in between the space where the sky & ocean kiss
Know what it feels like to be in that never ending embrace
I am constantly movin towards that on going line
In what feels like a slow motion pace
Never been able to get close enough in arms length
I wana pull that space apart look behind it just to see if
there is something deeper more profound beyond the horizon
My curiousity wont let me rest until I know if its real or not
Searching for that one thing that would make it all better
So I drink until I can block out all the images of us together
So that your face becomes a blurr
So that I dont feel the need to wana replace
That space where you once were
And I have worn myself out..
Reflecting on the mistakes I've made
Retracing the tracks trying to find that loop hole of where it all went wrong
Tormenting myself with the notion that I
was just your way of getting over her..
And although that maybe false.. I am certain it holds some truth
For you to easily turn and walk away without the slightest glance back
to see if there is something worth holding on to
Your words...Your actions.. cut me too deep
And the only conclusion anyone can come up with.. "It wasn't meant to be"
But in the back of my mind all I can phantom is "How much I guna miss him"
Even buried my past in hopes that I started something special
Planted a seed to watch it grow into something I know has potential
Surrounded with a garden full of beauty
But one seed.. doesn't want to grow into anything more
It shocks me ... I never seen a flower afraid to blossom in the sunlight
Feelings drifted away like the changing of the seasons, a love so hot just ended so cold
The line where land & sky meet be come more out of reach
I use the horizon as a metaphor for LOVE because..
The Closer I seem to go towards it..The further it drifts away from me...