Sunday, August 29, 2010


This had to be said because I was beginning to become very irritated by the amount of misrepresentation and ill-claiming being done…

Ladies, a REAL independent woman lives her independent lifestyle MODESTLY. Claiming to be an independent woman, talking about how independent you are, and how you “buy your own things”, and “make your own money”, and “got your own house”, and then expecting the man to spend on you, kinda defeats the purpose and your self-image of independence. You cannot claim independence and then go off the mentality that “a Man is SUPPOSED to pay for this and that.” Now, I’m not saying that women should spend on Men if they claim the title of independence. Not the case at all. What I am saying is if you claim it, live it. Do Not spend with the intention on seeing if he will stop you and pay. That is not being independent. That is called testing. Do Not bring up, especially during an argument, the fact that he is suppose to be the man yet you paid for this or you paid for that. That is not claiming independent activities you may have taken. That is you trying to put him down. Your independence then becomes less of him acknowledging it and more of you “rubbing it in his face.” Being modestly independent allows him to be more willing to spend on you, because then it doesn’t become a matter of necessity, but more of a matter of support. He will be more willing to spend on you cause he wants to, and not cause you make him feel like he has to. I know for a fact that someone/people are going to disagree with me, but I feel that there are a number of ladies running around claiming the title of “Miss Independent” just because they heard it in a song and the description of the woman might be similar to them or the life they may live, but being independent is not an Image. It is a LifeStyle. You don’t wear it. You LIVE it…